*clever title line*

the holidays have taxed my reserves of externally focused energy. i am now in an internal recharge status. and although this blog is a relatively detached type of external reflection, it seems to have been given the shaft for the past few weeks. not that this is upsetting me much...i mean, there are no obligations here. and my sense is that few folks are in despair over the two week posting drought.
of course there are interesting things happening and astoundingly astute observations being made on my part. but they are just not making it here to this cyber depository.
i have also made a commitment to trying to catch up on my reading. books, that is. you know, the bound paper things that don't need to be plugged in, turned on or downloaded? it helps that i have a fantastic newly remodeled library just a few blocks down the road. (right now i am reading 'Stiff' by Mary Roach and 'The Foodlover's Atlas of the World'...if you were wondering)
i am not departing from this forum, but i did feel the need to "check in". no worries my peeps.


  1. ahhh..reading books. i need to renew that commitment as well. the blogger benefit package does include vacation and personal time so i agree no worries from this peep- although I did "miss" you.

  2. "the holidays have taxed my reserves of externally focused energy. i am now in an internal recharge status"

    a-men to that!

  3. Well, thank GOD, you finally surfaced and explained your absence (really). I do look forward to seeing and hearing what is happening in the old stomping ground. Glad you're alive...right...I AM ALIVE.


you got somethin' to say?