day at the lake.

today i slept in until 10:00 and was brought breakfast in bed.  a "pie in the sky" sandwich = fried egg and cream cheese on a whole wheat bagel.  don't knock it until you try it.  cream cheese is the mayo of the breakfast sandwich world.
i left the house unshowered.  sometimes showers are a nuisance; especially with long hair.
we drove past houses we dream of living in and passed onto state land.
we took a short hike to the rocky, tree lined eastern shore of lake george.  we certainly weren't the only ones with this idea, so we were lucky to find a spot with no one in earshot.  although the water was so choppy that a distance of more than five feet was enough to obscure a voice.
the rocks into the water were steeply sloped and covered in slippery algae.  with the beating waves, it made for some delicate stepping.  the water was sun-warmed despite the lake george's size and depth.
sure beats a chlorinated pool and air conditioning, in my honest opinion.

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