chugging along.

this is officially the end of my first session of lilla rogers make art that sells class. this course has taken over my life for the last five weeks. i had originally committed to give about 10 hours weekly to my studies and artworks but i could literally laugh out loud at that now. i have definitely doubled that commitment and i could have benefited from tripling it.
week five was directed at the gift market which is gigantic and varied. just imagine all of the things you see when you go into a boutique - think blue q or land of nod. we were specifically given the assignment to create a "super lush zipper pouch design" based on things we collect and/or really like. here is my final submission:


now i am moving on to the next project...lilla rogers global talent search! the first assignment was given on july 1st and needs to be submitted by july 22nd. this amount of time seems like a luxury compared to the four days given during the MATS class. of the hundreds of folks submitting in the first round only 50 will be moved onto the second round. the winner will be signed by lilla rogers herself to a TWO year, INTERNATIONAL contract! i won't reveal too much about my ideas because they will likely change a few million times prior to the submission date but here is a quick preview!


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