enough to send any man into the fetal position.

so we finally watched teeth last night. you may recall that i referenced to the trailer in an earlier post.
i admit i had sort of forgotten about the movie until we stumbled across it on the movies-on-demand feature (a rip off mind you, but sometimes i'm just too impatient to wait for things to pop up at the library).
94 minutes later, with adam defensively holding his crotch, my mind was flooded with old-school feminist theory. i will spare you all of this, so that you can continue reading (and not be turned off to the movie).
overall, i really liked it. was she a heroine, a villain or a vigilante? severed penises? an attack dog named 'mother'? it could be analyzed into the ground for sure. i do think the movie was a bit harsh on the heterosexual male stereotyping; but straight guys don't get challenged enough anyway.
so if you want to have a fun time, watch this with your favorite male friend (he doesn't even need to be straight...) and watch his facial expressions (and the movie too...).

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