down the rabbit hole.

white ranunculus
.white ranunculus.
i realize i haven't been around here much. i'm sure you understand why.
life has been extremely vivid in the last few weeks. on any given day i can travel swiftly through every emotion possible and sense each one exquisitely. it's amazing the capacity of our sensory experience and how easily we break connection with it. it can be overwhelming to sit in those emotions, both joyful and stressful.
i am trying to be present for everything; even the small volcanoes of worry. hurricane irene brought not only rain our way but also a large dose of unexpected weather related logistic and travel issues that we could have never anticipated. all is well though, which is what i continue to remind myself after each seemingly plan-altering incident. i am not immune to trying to control and analyze, but i also know that happy accidents occur every moment.
i am currently sitting here at the laptop, carving out a little bit of time to record my thoughts even though there are hundreds of fresh flowers sitting on the porch needing attention. those under-hydrated flowers will wait, because this moment is much more fragile and fleeting.
in a few short days i will be simultaneously floating buoyantly with joy and white knuckling my experiences to try to drip every last precious feeling out of them. i will not only vow my unending love to my life partner, but will vow to be present in each moment to the best of my human abilities.
perhaps i won't have another moment to drop in to this blog before the big event. if not, i will be back shortly after. until then, please, enjoy each of your own moments and fully experience what each has to offer!

billy balls
.yellow craspedia.


  1. Being present for small volcanoes of worry? Very nice. But let the worry go. It adds nothing to the price or the sale. It only adds to your angst! The flowers are beautiful.

  2. thanks TMC!

    you're absolutely right Wine and Words, the worry isn't adding anything valuable to the experience. it only takes time away from joy :)


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